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The source of all HVAC&R industry training
Q. How do I renew my Approved Fillers Compliance Certificate with RLNZ A. Renew your RLNZ Approved Filler by learning current information for A1 and A2/A2L refrigerants and passing a practical assessment using current materials and fit for purpose technology.
Please register here:
A1 Approved Filler for non flammable refrigerants, with A1 practical assessment
A2/A2L Approved Filler for flammable refrigerants, with A2 practical assessment
Q. What are A2/A2L refrigerants? A. A2/A2L refrigerants are: R1234yf, R1234ze, R454C, R455A, R454A, R454B, R447A, R32, R452B. If you are using any of these refrigerants then pass an A1 online theory, A2/A2L online theory and A2/A2L practical assessment.
Q. Why do I have to do an Approved Filler certification when I am already qualified as a refrigeration technician? A. Under the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017, anybody handling or recovering compressed gases must have had suitable training and hold an Approved Filler Compliance Certificate. Most refrigerants currently used in New Zealand are classified as compressed gases under the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017. Some refrigerants currently used in New Zealand such as propane and butane are flammable and hazardous substances under the HSNO Act. Therefore, nearly all users of refrigerants are required by legislation to hold an Approved Filler Compliance Certificate.
Q. Who offers the training? A. Training can be provided by RLNZ or any other approved HSNO Training provider, see the WorkSafe New Zealand website for a current list of training providers. RLNZ courses are offered nationwide and are designed specifically for the refrigeration and air conditioning industry and are WorkSafe compliant.
Q. Why do I have to pay a levy on all refrigerants? A. The levy paid on refrigerants is used to help support RLNZ. Development of course materials is a major expense.
Q. Is the levy compulsory? A. The levy is the industries initiative to provide industry specific training and certification enabling legal compliance for all practitioners in HVACR industries. Any practitioner can register for our courses because of industry support. Development of course materials, training trainers, etc has been subsidised by the refrigerant levies.
Q. Is there a time limit to the certification? A. Yes, the Compliance Certificate expires after five (5) years but can be renewed.
Q. What substances fall under the 2.1.1A category? A. See below for a list of refrigerants which fall into the 2.1.1A category. However please check the Safety Data Sheets of the substances you are using to confirm their classifications.
Below is a list of refrigerants which are categorised under HSNO classifications as 2.1.1A substances. Every effort has been made to ensure this list is complete, but please check the Safety Data Sheet of the substances you are using to confirm their classifications.
Ashrae Classification R-32, R-50, R-142b, R-143a, R-152a, R-160, R-170, R-290, R-600, R-600a, R-1150, R-1270, E170, R-408A
Q. Are overseas gas handling certifications accepted in place of the Approved Filler Compliance Certificates? A. Unfortunately, no. You must hold an Approved Filler Compliance Certificate issued by a WorkSafe New Zealand approved Compliance Certifier within New Zealand.
Q. Is my NZ Approved Filler certification accepted in other countries? A. Unfortunately, no. Please see question above.
Q. I have lost my card how do I get a new one? A. Replacement cards are not issued for courses prior to 1st August 2021. Certificates for courses prior to 1st August 2021 can be emailed to you or your company. Contact to request a certificate.
Q. Can I have a Translator or Reader/Writer for Approved Filler course? A. The Participant is welcome to have a reader/writer or translator for the Online Theory portion of the Course.
The Participant needs to demonstrate competence in the Practical Assessment, and this requires minimal instruction from the Assessor. This negates the need for a reader/writer or translator to be present.
If a translator is necessary, please contact RLNZ to discuss further.
Legislative Requirements - The Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 came into force on Friday 1 December 2017. Further information about the new regulations, and what you need to know, click here
Approved Filler Test Certificate - For details of the New Zealand Approved Filler Legislative Requirements, click here
Useful Links - Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017, click here